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Dicaeum cruentatum

Size: 7-9cm

Weight: 5.5-6g

Found: Found in SouthEast Asia, these birds live in subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests, wooded areas and gardens.

Description: The male of the species has a navy blue face, wings and tail, with a broad bright red stripe from its crown to its upper tail coverts. The female is predominantly olive green with a black tail and scarlet upper tail coverts and rump. Both sexes have creamy white underparts, black eyes and legs, and a dark grey arched bill.

Diet: These birds mainly feed on fruits, such as figs and berries.

Comments: The Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker spends much of its day flitting around, twittering in trees and shrubs where they find small fruits, making a repeated “chip-chip” noise.

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