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Corvus macrorhynchos

Wingspan: 100 – 130cm

Weight: 450g-1kg

Description: The Large-billed Crow is notably a glossy black all over, on the feathers, beak and legs. It has a distinctively large beak, the upper half being thick and arched.

Found: These birds can be found across Asia, from East to West. They are prolific across Thailand, and will be found in woodland areas with enough trees to build their nests in.

Diet: This species is a very versatile feeder, in urban areas they will be highly opportunistic and rip open garbage bags in search of anything edible. In the wild they will feed on a variety of small animals, and have a skill for stealing carrion from vulture nests.

Comments:  The Large-billed Crow will build its nest in a fork of a tree, forming a shallow cup of sticks lined with grass, rags, wool and often wires from rubbish the birds have scavenged from garbage bags.

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