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(Anthracoceros albirostris)


Wingspan: 23–36 cm

Wieght: 600 g and 1,050 g

Description: The plumage of the head, neck, back, wings and upper breast is black with a slight green. The tail is black with white tips on all the feathers except the central feathers. The plumage of lower breast, belly, thighs, under-wing and all the tips of the wings is white. Males and females are similar in coloration. Males can be distinguished from females by their larger body size, yellow bill which has black base and bright red eyes. They are listed as ‘Least Concern’ by IUCN Red List.

Found:  Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia, ranging across Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, Eastern and Northern India, Indonesia, Laos, North peninsular Malaysia, Nepal, Singapore, Thailand, Tibet, Vietnam and the Sunda shelf islands.

Diet: The oriental pied hornbill feeds on fruit such as figs, rambutans and palm fruit and also feeds on insects and small reptiles.

Comments: Hornbills are generally monogamous – when females have selected and entered their nest, they seal the cavity with a mixture of saliva, mud, fruit, dropping and tree bark, leaving only a small opening through which food may be passed in. The male forages for the female and chicks, and the female feeds the nestlings.


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