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Chloropsis aurifrons

Size: 17-19cm

Weight: 45g

Found: The Golden-fronted Leafbird (Chloropsis aurifrons) is a species of leafbird. It is a common resident breeder in India, Sri Lanka, and parts of Southeast Asia. Its habitat is forest and scrub.

Description: The adult is green-bodied with a black face and throat bordered with yellow. Is has dark brown irises and blackish feet and bill. It has a yellowish orange forehead and blue moustachial line (but lacks the blue flight feathers and tail sides of blue-winged leafbird). Young birds have a plain green head and lack the black on their face and throat. The black of the face and throat appears slightly duller in females.

Diet: Generalist; diet arthropods, fruits and nectar.

Comments: They are known to mimic the calls of other bird species and have loud calls.

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