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Wingspan: 44 – 48cm

Weight: 46 – 89g

Description: The species is highly distinctive, with a long, thin, tapering black bill with a fawn base. Adults of the species have an orange head/chest with long, black tipped feathers sprouting from the head. The lower half of the body is coloured black and white, resembling the pattern of a zebra.

Found: Widespread across Europe, Asia, North Africa, and northern Sub-Saharan Africa. Hoopoe inhabit a wide range of habitats such as heathland, wooded steppes, savannas, grasslands, and forest glades.
Diet: Mainly consists of insects, but has been known to go for small reptiles, seeds, and berries.

Comments: The Eurasian Hoopoe most likely acquired its name from the noise it makes, as they can be heard creating a distinctive oop-oop-oop noise in their calls. They spend much of their time sunbathing with their wings and tails spread wide, and occasionally enjoy taking a bath in the dust and sand around them.

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