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Elanus caeruleus

Size: 30-37cm

Weight: 260g

Found: Being native to Southern Europe, Africa and Southern Asia, this species can be found across Thailand, but their numbers are decreasing due to increased agriculture.

Description: A small bird with pale grey plumage, the Black-winged Kite has a white head and dark patches around the eyes and shoulders, as well as a small black beak and sharp yellow talons.

Diet: grasshoppers, crickets and other large insects, lizards, and rodents. Occasionally birds, small snakes and frogs.

Comment: When looking for prey, the black-winged kite will glide through the sky, hovering on the spot above any food it spots, and swoop down to seize it in its sharp talons. They live in groups of 15-35, all perching together in the branches of large, leafy trees.

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