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(Geopelia striata)

Size: 20 – 23cm

Weight: 57g

Description: Small and slender with a long, narrow tail. The upperparts are brownish-grey with black-and-white barring. The underparts are pinkish with black bars on the sides of the neck, breast and belly. The face is blue-grey with bare blue skin around the eyes.

Found: The native range of the species extends from Southern Thailand, Tenasserim, Peninsular Malaysia, and Singapore to the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Java. It may also be native to Borneo, Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, and the Philippine islands. It inhabits scrub, farmland, and open country in lowland areas and is commonly seen in parks and gardens.

Diet: The zebra dove feeds on small grass and weed seeds. They will also eat insects and other small invertebrates.

Comments: Their call is a series of soft, staccato cooing notes. In Thailand and Indonesia, the birds are popular as pets because of their calls and cooing competitions are held to find the bird with the best voice.

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