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Accipiter badius

Wingspan: 55-61cm

Weight: 130g

Found: The shirka can be found across Africa, the Middle East, and most of Southern Asia. They are found in a range of habitats including forests, farmland and urban areas.

Description: This species has short, rounded wings and a narrow and somewhat long tail. Adults are whitish on the underside with fine rufous bars while the upper parts are grey. The lower belly is less barred and the thighs are whitish. Males have a red iris while the females have a less red (yellowish orange) iris. Females are also slightly larger than the males.

Diet: Rodents, squirrels, small birds, small reptiles, and insects.

Comments: The call of the shirka is often mimicked by drongos as a way to drive away competing birds from food sources. Shirkas have long been favoured by falconers in India and Pakistan due to the ease at which they could be trained.


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