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Columba livia

Size: 29 to 37cm

Weight: 238–380g

Description: The Rock pigeon is a stout bird with a long thick neck, small head and short legs. Their tail is rounded and their wings fairly pointed. Their colouring is an ashy grey, with tones of purple and green around their necks.

Found: This species can be found in almost every continent across the globe. In Thailand they can be found in urban areas in cities and towns, as well as their natural rocky cliffs and farmland habitats.

Diet: Rock pigeons are scavengers, and can often be found eating human trash in populated areas. In more rural areas, they will feed on grain and seeds from fields.

Comments: Rock pigeons live and travel in large flocks, and when started the flock will fly up together in a large mass of birds, circling multiple times in the air before settling on the ground again. They also have a great skill in their ability to find their way home from long distances.

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