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Passer flaveolus

Size: 13 – 15cm

Weight: 17 – 23g

Found: Its range spans from Myanmar to central Vietnam, and south to the western part of Peninsular Malaysia. It habitat usually consists of cultivated areas with trees, plantations and small copses, scrub, and woodland edges.

Description: Males of the species are identified with a greenish-grey crown to the upper mantle, a yellowish forehead and side of forecrown. Black lores, and a crescent-shaped band behind the eye and around the rear of yellow ear-coverts and cheeks, extending down to the side of the neck. Chestnut lower mantle, upper back, scapulars, and lesser upperwing-coverts. Greyish lower back. Dark grey or grey-brown tail. Chin and centre of throat are black. Females display more muted colours – with juveniles resembling females.

Diet: Feeds on vegetable matter like seeds of grasses, cultivated cereals and small herbs. Nestlings are fed with insects.

Comment: Breeds in loose colonies of 5 to 10 pairs. The nest is a woven globular structure made of grasses and small twigs. It’s placed well hidden in branches of a tree or in a hole in a tree or a building.

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