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(Tachybaptus ruficollis)

Size: 23-29cm

Weight: 150-200g

Description: The Little Grebe is a small water bird with a pointed bill and small, rounded head. They are a dark brown colour with a distinctive reddish neck, and in nonbreeding plumage a dingy pale brownish overall.

Found: This species can be found in freshwater lakes across Europe, Africa and Asia. In Thailand they can be found in various areas, predominantly in the centre of the country.

Diet: The Little Grebe will hunt for fish and aquatic invertebrates in the waters it swims in.

Comments: The body of the Little Grebe is not designed for walking long distances, so they nest and live by the waters edge, close enough to swim and feed in easily. When their eggs hatch, their young quickly learn to swim, but will often ride on the backs of adults while they are still small and unable.

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