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Dendrocygna javanica

Size: 38 – 42cm

Weight: 450 – 600g

Found: This is a largely resident species distributed widely across lowland wetlands of the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. They are found in freshwater wetlands with good vegetation cover and often rest during the day on the banks or even on the open sea in coastal areas.

Description: This chestnut brown duck is confusable only with the fulvous whistling duck but has chestnut upper-tail coverts unlike the creamy white in the latter. The ring around the eye is orange to yellow. When flying straight, their head is held below the level of the body as in other Dendrocygna species. The crown appears dark and the sexes are alike in plumage. They fly slowly but with rapid wing-flapping and usually produce a repetitive wheezy seasick call as they circle overhead. They are very nocturnal and often rest during the day. The outermost primary feather has the inner vane modified. They produce very prominent whistling sound while flying.

Diet: They feed mainly on plants taken from the water as well as grains from cultivated rice – they will also eat small fish, frogs and invertebrates such as molluscs and worms.

Comment: The nest site may be a tree hole lined with twigs and grass or built in the fork of a large tree, sometimes reusing an old nest of a kite or heron or even on the ground.

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