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Coracias benghalensis

Size: 30-34cm

Weight: 166-177g

Found: The Indian Roller will be found from the West of Asia across to the Indian Subcontinent. Here they will live in open farmland, pasture ad plantations.

Description: This bird is brown in colour across the breast, throat and back. The head it topped with a light blue crown, matching the colour of their wings and the bottom of their lower body. The wings are also lined with a dark blue, which can be seen clearly when in flight. The beak is grey, and the eyes are ringed with a bright yellow.

Diet: They will feed mainly upon ground insects, as well as small reptiles, amphibians and snakes.

Comments: The Indian Roller is an acrobatic bird, and will regularly perform intricate and aerobic displays. They also bathe in open water, diving in beak-first.

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