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Gallinula chloropus

Size: 30 – 38cm

Weight: 320 – 340g

Found: This species has a significantly large range and can be found across Europe, Africa, and the majority of Asia. This is a common breeding bird in marsh environments, well-vegetated lakes and even in city parks.

Description: The moorhen is a distinctive species, with dark plumage apart from the white undertail, yellow legs and a red frontal shield. The young are browner and lack the red shield. The frontal shield of the adult has a rounded top and fairly parallel sides; the tailward margin of the red unfeathered area is a smooth waving line.

Diet: This species will consume a wide variety of vegetable material and small aquatic creatures. They forage beside or in the water, sometimes walking on lilypads or upending in the water to feed.

Comment: They are often secretive, but can become tame in some areas. Despite loss of habitat in parts of its range, the common moorhen remains plentiful and widespread.

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