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Psilopogon asiaticus

Size: 22 – 23cm

Weight: 61 – 103g

Found: Seen across the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. They frequent evergreen forests, deciduous forests, gardens, orchards, teak forests and cities with fruiting trees.

Description: A small, green bird with a blue head and throat. It has a red crown and lores, bordered in black, in between the black and red lores, there is a thin tan line. Its tail is green as well. Its beak his ivory (horn-coloured) and the upper mandible is tipped in blackish grey. Its undertail coverts are a bluish-grey. Its eyes are brown.

Diet: They are typically seen foraging in the forest canopy, but will visit lower shrubs to feed.

Their staple diet consists of fruits (particularly figs), some flowers, figs and insects, such as grubs, crickets, mantises, ants, cicadas, dragonflies, locusts, beetles and moths.

Comment: The barbets get their name from the bristles which fringe their heavy bills.

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