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Halcyon pileata

Size: 26 – 28cm

Weight: 67 – 91g

Found: The species is found mainly near the coast in mangrove forests and along estuaries and rivers. The distribution ranges from India (including the Andaman and Nicobar Islands where they occur even on remote islands like Narcondam), Sri Lanka, Korea, Malay Peninsula, Thailand, Myanmar, and down through the Indonesian islands.

Description: The adult has purple-blue wings and back, black head and shoulders, white neck collar and throat, and rufous underparts. The large bill and legs are bright red. In flight, large white patches or “mirrors” at the base of the primaries are visible on the blue and black wings. Sexes are similar, but juveniles are a duller version of the adult and show streaks on the throat.

Diet: Primarily feeds on fish, but will also go for large insects.

Comment: Like many other kingfishers, this species was much sought for the blue feathers for their use in the millinery trade. Feathers were used in making fans in China. In Hong Kong, their feathers were cut and glued over ornaments used by women.

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