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(Glaucidium cuculoides)


Wingspan: Wing length 13-17cm

Weight: 150-240g

Description: The adult Asian barred owlet has grayish brown head with buff barring. The upperparts are rufous brown with buff barring and they lack ear-tufts. There is a broken white line at the edge of scapulars and a white chin stripe. The facial disc is diffuse. The underparts are brownish, the tail is brown and has pale buff bands and the tip of the tail feathers is whitish.

Found: Northern parts of the Indian Subcontinent and parts of Southeast Asia. It ranges across north central and northeast India, Nepal Bhutan, north Bangladesh, and southeast Asia (Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam). Its natural habitat is temperate forest.

Diet: This owl feeds on Beetles, grasshoppers, cicadas and other large insects. Lizards, mice and small birds are also part of the diet.

Comments: Monogamous and territorial,the nesting sites of these owlet species include tree cavities and old woodpecker holes. The clutch may contain four to seven eggs. The female does most of incubation and the male feeds the female.


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