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Falco tinnunculus

Size: 32-39cm

Weight: 135-250g

Found: These birds can be found across much of Europe and Asia, spending their time in lightly wooded areas and heathland.

Description: The plumage is a light brown, flecked with darker spots across the top of the body, although males will have less of these flecks than the females. The tail on both sexes is a medium brown, edged with a thin line of white. The feet are a bright yellow,and the ring around the eyes is a similar colour, with dark irises.

Diet: The Eurasain Kestrel will feed mainly upon any animal that is rodent sized, including voles, shrews and mice.

Comments: When hunting, they will hover far overhead of their prey, and wait for the ideal moment to swoop down. They have the advantage of seeing light that is nearly ultraviolet, allowing them to perceive urine trails and rodent burrows in the daylight, helping them to locate prey.

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