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Oriolus chinensis

Size: 23 – 28cm

Weight: 65 – 100g

Found: In winter, populations breeding in eastern Asia spend the winter in the tropical areas of Southeast Asia such as Thailand and Myanmar. The black-naped oriole is found in forests, gardens and plantations.

Description: The black-naped oriole is medium-sized and overall golden with a strong pinkish bill and a broad black mask and nape. The adult male has the central tail feathers tipped yellow and the lateral ones are more broadly yellow. The female has the mantle colour more greenish or olive. The juvenile has a streaked underside. The nestling has dull greenish with brown streaks. The head and nape are more yellowish and the undertail coverts are yellow.

Diet:It feeds on berries and insects in the canopy.

Comment: In many parts of Southeast Asia, they are trapped and sold in the bird trade.

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