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Lanius cristatus

Size: 17 – 20cm

Weight: 27 – 37g

Found: Several populations of this widespread species form distinctive subspecies which breed in temperate Asia and migrate to their winter quarters in tropical Asia. They are sometimes found as vagrants in Europe and North America. It is found mainly in open scrub habitats, where it perches on the tops of thorny bushes in search of prey.

Description: This shrike is mainly brown on the upper parts and the tail is rounded. The black mask can be paler in winter and has a white brow over it. The underside is creamy with rufous flanks and belly. The wings are brown and lack any white “mirror” patches. Females tend to have fine scalloping on the underside and the mask is dark brown and not as well marked as in the male.

Diet: They feed mainly on insects, especially Lepidoptera. Like other shrikes, they impale prey on thorns. Small birds and lizards are also sometimes preyed upon.

Comment: The beak remains closed when singing and only throat pulsations are visible although the bird moves its tail up and down while singing.

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