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Dicrurus annectens

Size: 27 – 32cm

Weight: 45 – 70g

Found: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and subtropical or tropical mangrove forests.

Description: It is a completely black bird with a shallowly forked tail, a stout bill, and is similar in appearance to the black drongo.

Diet: Primarily insects, but will go for small reptiles and mammals.

Comment: The nest is usually a small cup made of grass that is held together by cobwebs. The nests can be found in the fork of a slender branch. The female incubates the eggs. However, both the male and female birds build the nest.

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